来源:哈鲁教育 2014-03-05
1. How many cubed pieces of fudge that are 3 inches on an edge can be packed into a Christmas tin that is 9 inches deep by 12 inches wide by 8 inches high with the lid still being able to be closed?
A. 18
B. 24
C. 32
D. 36
E. 43
2. Sarah is twice as old as her youngest brother. If the difference between their ages is 15 years, how old is her youngest brother?
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
E. 30
3. Which of the following fractions is equal to 5/6?
A. 20/30
B. 15/24
C. 25/30
D. 40/54
E. 2/7
4. What will it cost to tile a kitchen floor that is 12 feet wide by 20 feet long if the tile cost $8.91 per square yard?
A. $224.51
B. $237.60
C. $246.55
D. $271.38
E. $282.32
5. In a writing competition, the first place winner receives 1/2 of the prize money. The second runner up receives 1/2 of what the winner won. What was the total amount of prize money distributed if the winner receives $6,000?
A. $6,000
B. $8,500
C. $12,000
D. $15,000
E. $18,500
6. You are lying 120 ft away from a tree that is 50 feet tall. You look up at the top of the tree. Approximately how far is your hear from the top of the tree in a straight line?
A. 50 feet
B. 75 feet
C. 120 feet
D. 130 feet
E. 150 feet
7. A cyclist bikes x distance at 10 miles per hour and returns over the same path at 8 miles per hour. What is the cyclist’s average rate for the round trip in miles per hour?
A. 8.1
B. 8.3
C. 8.6
D. 8.9
E. 9.0
8 If edging cost $2.32 per 12-inch stone, and you want a double layer of edging around your flower bed that is 6 yards by 1 yard. How much will edging you flower bed cost?
A. $32.48
B. $64.96
C. $97.44
D. $129.92
E. $194.88
9. If 3x=6x-15 then x + 8=
A. 5
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12
E. 13
10. The number of milliliters in 1 liter is
A. 10,000
B. 1,000
C. 0.1
D. 0.01
E. 0.001
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