来源:哈鲁教育 2014-04-07
出题形式 :
暗示题的问句常常是以特殊疑问词开头的特殊疑问句, 例如: what, why…在回答此类问题的时候要特别注意:
what does the professor imply?
a: it’s a good book to read when you get up in the morning.
b: it’s one of his favorite books.
c: it’s a book that everyone should read.
d: the book is likely to arouse your interests in the issues related to coffee.
what does the professor mean when he says this?
a: napoleon asked for coffee when he was deposed.
b: napoleon was served a cup of coffee before his death.
c: napoleon loved coffee even to the last minute of his life.
d: napoleon was removed from the emperor’s seat because he drank too much coffee.
what does the professor imply?
a: it’s a good book to read when you get up in the morning.
b: it’s one of his favorite books.
c: it’s a book that everyone should read.
d: the book is likely to arouse your interests in the issues related to coffee.
what does the man probably mean?
what does the man suggest/imply? 75tgb
what does the woman want to know?
what does the woman suggest the man to do?
why does ___ say ___?
what does the man mean by___?
解题技巧 :
1. 在做ibt听力中的暗示题的时候, 立足原文及谈话人的观点和态度,不能加入自己的主管判断和臆想
2. 把握意思转折或话题转换后的部分.
3. 还有就是要关注谈话人的语言色彩,如语气,语调和用词特点。比如:professor: you’re probably right about xxx, but do you know how much this may cost? 话的前半部分教授对某一事情虽然表示出一定的妥协,但随后他话锋一转,指出:难道你们没有考虑过(干某事)的费用问题吗?言外之意:你们的边界我不支持!因为我老人家考虑问题比你们小年轻更全面一点, 你们没考虑钱的问题嘛。例如:
( 一 )
narrator: listen again to part of the discussion. then answer the question.
professor: lengthy digressions on the role of coffee in the empire and exile of napoleon---one of the deposed emperor’s last requests was for coffee…
what does the professor mean when he says this?
a: napoleon asked for coffee when he was deposed.
b: napoleon was served a cup of coffee before his death.
c: napoleon loved coffee even to the last minute of his life.
d: napoleon was removed from the emperor’s seat because he drank too much coffee.
解析 :
该段材料的大致意思是拿破仑临终前的最后请求竟然事要一杯咖啡, 教授的潜台词即是: 生命不息, 咖啡不止, 这位伟人当然是 咖啡党的忠实成员.
答案c 为正确选项.
答案a: 弄错了要咖啡的时间, 坚决排除.答案b: 拿破仑确实是喝了咖啡(也有可能要了没喝着), 但教授的暗示意思呢?挖掘 言外之意才是正理儿, 予以排除.
答案d: 拿破仑是因为咖啡喝太多才退位的吗?教授的话被完全曲解, 坚决排除.
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