来源:哈鲁教育 2014-07-31
question type
multiple-choice — select one answer choice
these are traditional multiple-choice questions with five answer choices, of which
you must select one.
tips for answering
- read all the answer choices before making your selection, even if you think you know the correct answer in advance.
- the correct answer is the one that most accurately and most completely answers the question posed; be careful not to be misled by answer choices that are only partially true or that only partially answer the question. also, be careful not to pick an answer choice simply because it is a true statement.
- when the question asks about the meaning of a word in the passage, be sure the answer choice you select correctly represents the way the word is being used in the passage. many words have different meanings when used in different contexts.
multiple-choice — select one or more answer choices
these questions provide three answer choices and ask you to select all that are correct; one, two or all three of the answer choices may be correct. to gain credit for these questions, you must select all the correct answers, and only those; there is no credit for partially correct answers.
tips for answering
- evaluate each answer choice separately on its own merits; when evaluating one answer choice, do not take the others into account.
- a correct answer choice accurately and completely answers the question posed; be careful not to be misled by answer choices that are only partially true or that only partially answer the question. also, be careful not to pick an answer choice simply because it is a true statement.
- do not be disturbed if you think all three answer choices are correct, since questions of this type can have up to three correct answer choices.
these questions ask you to click on the sentence in the passage that meets a certain description. to answer the question, choose one of the sentences and click on it; clicking anywhere on a sentence will highlight it. in longer passages, the question will usually apply to only one or two specified paragraphs, marked by an arrow ( #formatimgid_0# ); clicking on a sentence elsewhere in the passage will not highlight it.
note: because these questions depend on the use of the computer, they do not appear on the paper-based test. equivalent multiple-choice questions are used in their place.
tips for answering
- evaluate each of the relevant sentences in the passage separately before selecting your answer. do not evaluate any sentences that are outside the paragraphs under consideration.
- a correct answer choice must accurately match the description given in the question; do not select a sentence if any part of the description does not apply to it. however, note that the question need not fully describe all aspects of the sentence.
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