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  • 1、伯明翰大学(Birmingham university )伯明翰大学是英国老牌名校之一,全球百强大学,英国名校联盟“罗素大学集团”和国际大学组织“Universitas 21”的创始成员,英国著名的6所“红砖大学”之一。伯明翰大学以其优秀的教学质量与科研水...
  • rankschool name1 virginia commonwealtd university richmond, va2 yale university new haven, ct3 school of tde art institute of chicago chicago, il4 university of california--los angeles los angeles, ca5 rhode island schoo...
  • 美国大学陶瓷艺术专业排名:1 alfred university--new york state college of ceramicsalfred, ny2 cranbrook academy of artbloomfield hills, mi3 rhode island school of designprovidence, ri4 ohio state universitycolumbus, oh5 c...
  • 美国大学平面设计专业排名:1 rhode island school of designprovidence, ri2 yale universitynew haven, ct3 maryland institute college of artbaltimore, md4 carnegie mellon universitypittsburgh, pa5 virginia commonwealth unive...
  • 美国大学工业设计专业排名:1 rhode island school of designprovidence, ri2 art center college of designpasadena, ca3 carnegie mellon universitypittsburgh, pa4 cranbrook academy of artbloomfield hills, mi5 california colleg...
  • 美国大学室内设计专业排名:1  pratt institutebrooklyn, ny2  california college of the artssan francisco, ca2  ohio state universitycolumbus, oh4  school of the art institute of chicagochicago, il
  • 美国大学特殊教育专业排名:rank school name1 university of kansas1 vanderbilt university (peabody)3 university of oregon4 university of florida5 university of texas--austin5 university of virginia (curry)7 university of w...
  • 美国大学法学专业排名:rank school name1 harvard university2 stanford university2 yale university4 columbia university4 university of michigan--ann arbor6 new york university6 university of virginia8 cornell university8 d...
  • 美国大学知识产权法专业排名:rank school name1 university of california--berkeley2 stanford university3 george washington university4 university of houston5 new york university6 columbia university6 santa clara university...
  • 1 Stanford University斯坦福大学2University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校3 Harvard University哈佛大学4University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉机分校5University of Michigan Ann Arbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校...
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