一、伪造学历 由于新加坡留学的学生日益增多,为了增加新加坡签证的成功几率,很多技校或者中专的学生都想买一个文凭去申请,这些学生是以务工为主要目的,因此在新加坡的记录不是特别的好,留在新加坡的就更多了。新加坡为了提高移民新...
1、如果留学人员未接到准证,但已获悉批准件号码,可持邀请函、填写好的Form 8表和护照正本及护照照片向新加坡驻华使馆签证处申请入境签证。2、办理另纸签证:申请人将护照前10页的复印件以及填写好的Form 8表一并寄给邀请方在当地称民...
1、提前三个月申请建议学生提前三个月申请,由于预约签证的困难,有些签证的审核时间也较长,学生要根据自己选择学校的要求,去决定实际情况的申请。提醒学生,f、 m和j签证不是通过之后就可以去美国的,而是要在开学前30天内才允许入境...
1. What will you study in the United States (abroad)?2. What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? How can it explain?3. What will you do in USA? What is your purpose to USA? Why do you go to?4. Wha...
1. Can you say something about your major? What is it all about? What is it for?2. How can it be used?3. Can it be used on weapons?4. Why do you like your major? Why do you want to study this major?5. Why do you want to...
1. Who will support you when you are in America?2. What is your sponsor’s job?3. Why does he support you?4. How much will your sponsor support you every year?5. Are these materials true?6. What is the relationship betwe...
1. What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?2. What will be your salary then?3. How much can your work earn?4. Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?5. Why wont you stay in USA?6. Can you exp...