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  • 1. a big shot = an important person 大腕儿,大亨2. a breath of fresh air 使人耳目一新的人3. achilles’ heel 致命弱点;个性的瑕疵4. be all ears 洗耳恭听5. be all eyes 目不转睛6. a wet blanket 讨人嫌的人7. chip in = contribu...
  • 1. x-rays are basically a form of radiation.[a] fundamentally [b] definitely [c] probably [d] frequently2. johns unabashed behavior caused great concern among his teachers.[a] terrible [b] unembarrassed [c] cowardly [d] ...
  • on this perfect surface, the artist would sketch a composition with chalk, refine it with ink, and then begin the deliberate process of applying thin layers of egg tempera paint with small brushes.[a] decisive [b] carefu...
  •  statistics seemed to justify the common belief that americans were devoted to periodicals.[a] generate [b] calculate [c] modify [d] proveborn in 1863, annie fellows johnston wrote stories for juveniles that became ...
  •  the flowers on the table were a manifestation of the childs love for his mother.[a] demonstration [b] (an) infestation [c] combination [d] satisfactionmost of the exhibitions were free, but for some a nominal fee w...
  • 1. this place is a habitat for pit vipers.[a] habit [b] home [c] food [d] candle2. few composers have been so idolized during their lifetime as was edward mcdowell.[a] dissatisfied [b] reviewed [c] misguided [d] worshipe...
  • notary/5neuteri/n.公证人noteworthy/5neutwe:ti/ ad.值得注目的,显著的notice/5neutis/vt.1.注意到,察觉到 2.评论,提及n.1.注意,察觉 2.通知,布告 3.短评noticeable/5neutisebl/a.1.显而易见的,明显的 2.值得注意的,重要的notify/5neuti...
  • 1.提前决定Early Decision (ED)2.提前行动Early Action (EA)。提前申请的截止时间一般是11月1日,有的学校是11月15日,还有少数学校有不同规定;提前申请发布结果的时间一般是12月15日左右。提前决定,英文是Early Decision,简称为ED(细...
  • confidentialclandestinecipherdissimulatedisarmdisarmingscoutfortfortresshatchetdaggerarmorcorpsarmamentenlistrecruitarraysquadraidchargeencroachdespoilinvadeassaultexterminateextinguishabsorbonsetrepulseexpeditionsiegeen...
  • 1.哈佛大学秋季入学申请截止日期是1月1日。2.普林斯顿大学秋季入学申请截止日期是1月1日。3.耶鲁大学秋季入学申请截止日期是12月31日。4.哥伦比亚大学秋季入学申请截止日期是1月1日。5.加州理工学院秋季入学申请截止日期是1月1日。6.麻省...
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