来源:哈鲁教育 2018-06-26
麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT),创立于1861年,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市(大波士顿地区),是世界著名私立研究型大学。作为世界顶尖高校,麻省理工学院(MIT)尤其以自然及工程学享誉世界,位列2015-16年世界大学学术排名(ARWU)工程学世界第1、计算机科学第2,与斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校一同被称为工程科技界的学术领袖。截止2016年,麻省理工共走出了19位图灵奖(计算机界最高奖)得主;先后有87位诺贝尔奖得主在麻省理工学院工作或学习过。
This summer research program is a summary of several topics of concrete research at MIT. Concrete is a very common material in construction field for its excellent properties. Even though we have used it for quite a long time, there are still many mysteries about it. In order to explore the essential material properties of concrete, CSHub at MIT has conducted many analyses at different scales, such as nano, micro, and macro scales. Based on multiscale methods, the properties obtained at nano and micro scales can be reflected at macro scale. The research can help industries produce concrete with better properties and reduce the environmental effects. By introducing this topic, we will help students experience the process of scientific research and improve their ability to discover, analyze and solve scientific problems and make preparations for their future study in the US.
Session 1:
Introduction to concrete properties at multiscales
Instruction:This topic will be based on some research papers and international workshop presentations. It will introduce the application of multiscale methods to the analysis of concrete properties.
Homework1:Summarize the concrete properties at different scales and state how to upscale concrete properties from smaller scales to larger scales.
Concrete properties at multifield scenarios
Instruction: Multifield analysis method is a widely used method for civil engineering, which can be used for the concrete analysis at the macro scale. This topic will based on some research papers and international workshop presentations.
Background Survey
Instruction: This part is aimed to teach students how to efficiently use search engines to discover papers related with their own research. The search engines to be introduced include google scholar, web of science, ScienceDirect,CNKI, etc.
Summarize research papers and discover research problems
Instruction:Summarize the scientific papers discovered from Session 3 and organize them by using a paper reference software. Try to propose a scientific problem based on the current summarization.
Introduction to Matlab
Introduction:Matlab is a very powerful software for scientific calculation. This part will talk about how to code programs by Matlab.
Homework5:Code a small program to solve a given practical problem.
Introduction to FEM (Finite element method)
Introduction: FEM is very useful in the engineeringfield, which can help us solve complicated mathematical and mechanical problems in a numerical way. This part will talk about the basic principles about this method.
Build a numerical model and explore the corresponding algorithm
Instruction: For this part, we will try to build a numerical model to solve the problem proposed in Session 4. Besides, we will try to figure out the algorithm for the numerical model based on Matlab and FEM.
Realize the algorithm and obtain the solution
Instruction: The algorithm will be realized. Based on a case study, we will analyze the calculation results and give a reasonable explanation or solution to the proposed scientific problem.
1. 挑战自身潜能,切身体会常春藤名校——MIT严苛的学术氛围。通过参加紧张丰富的3-4 周科研,学生能亲身体会国际精英们在这样的学术氛围下如何完成自身成长;
2. 极大拓宽学生视野,土木工程是MIT的优势学科之一。处在这样一个学习氛围下,能够让学生拥有国际视野,了解到世界顶尖的设计行业在研究的课题和内容,从而对整个行业有更清晰的认知;
3. 学生将有机会与顶尖教授零距离交流,聆听世界一流建筑师的讲座,获取该产业第一手现实资料;
4. 科研完成后,学生将会全面了解并体会到MIT土木专业的培养流程,并对设计专业尤其是土木专业有一个完整的认知,将对学生今后的专业选择或者人生规划帮助良多;
5. 同时,经过 3-4 周的美国学习生活,学生能够为将来的赴美留学打下基础,并且能够根据自身情况对未来有更清晰的规划。在面临人生选择和确定发展方向的时候,这一段经历将会成为学生十分宝贵的财富。