来源:哈鲁教育 2014-02-28
美国留学相信大家都想申请到奖学金出国,这样就可以为家庭节省一大笔费用开支。而美国奖学金中,ta和ra是大家最常申请的,ta也就是teaching assistantship,助教金,而research assistantship就是ra,为助研金,下面详细为大家介绍ta和ra的申请。
啥是ta:teaching assistantship (ta),a form of financial aid awarded to graduate students to help support their education. teaching assistantships usually provide the graduate student with a waiver of all or part of tuition, plus a small stipend for living expenses. as the name implies, a ta is required to perform teaching-related duties.
啥是ra:research assistantship (ra),a form of financial aid awarded to graduate students to help support their education. research assistantships usually provide the graduate student with a waiver of all or part of tuition, plus a small stipend for living expenses. as the name implies, an ra is required to perform research duties. sometimes these duties are strongly tied to the student"s eventual thesis topic.