全国咨询热线 400-6652-485


  • be far from 距离某处很远be nearby 距离某处很近go straight across/to/through 径直走过/向/过cross (over) 穿过(某条街道)be next to 紧邻turn left/right 左转/右转go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南)go back/back/back up 向回走go east/...
  • 应用软件程序员 applications programmer电脑操作主管 computer operations supervisor电脑技术员 computer technician开发工程师 developmental engineer信息服务主管 director of information services信息分析 information analyst局...
  • 1、a change of pace 改变步调;换口味You cant do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace.2、a far cry from 相距甚远The published book is a far cry from the early manuscript.3、and how ...
  • 1.神马都是浮云 Its all fleeting cloud.2.山寨 fake, counterfeit, copycat3.宅男 Otaku (“homebody” in English); geek4.被雷倒(到)了 in shock5.纠结 ambivalent6.忐忑 anxious7.悲催 a tear-inducing misery8.坑爹 the reverse of...
  • frank坦白的,坦诚的blunt直言不讳的,生硬的candid直率的direct直接的explicit清楚的forthright直率的genuine真诚的ingenuous天真的,坦白的outspoken坦率的,直言的sincere真诚的straightforward直接的,坦率的unconcealed不隐藏的unre...
  • 第一法:四面楚歌法 雅思面对“有若无,实若虚”,明明背过好几次却完全想不起来雅思的单字,你会需要用到“四面楚歌”之法。在每个看得到的地方都放一个背不起来的难字,字体要大。单字务必配合情境场合。例如厕所就不适合放Yummy(美味)...
  • 1、above all - most importantly2、account for - explain3、as a matter of fact - in fact ,to speak the truth4、as a rule - generally ;normally5、about to - be ready to;be on the point of doing something6、an old hand - be...
  • tomato 番茄,西红柿asparagus 芦笋cucumber 黄瓜aborigine, eggplant 茄子bean 菜豆beet, beetroot 甜菜pepper 胡椒pimiento 甜椒potato 马铃薯carrot 胡萝卜cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜pumpkin 西葫芦broad bean 蚕豆cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜...
  • 1.构词记忆法 构词法是通过分析词根构词法是通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生、合成等记忆单词。据统计,在实际应用中可覆盖到70%左右的英语词汇,因此是相对较为行之有效的传统记词法。推荐考生可将构词记忆法作为大批量单词记忆的方法。...
  • 计算机行业:应用软件程序员 applications programmer电脑操作主管 computer operations supervisor电脑技术员 computer technician开发工程师 developmental engineer信息服务主管 director of information services信息分析 information...
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