来源:哈鲁教育 2014-03-05
ACT阅读测试(ACT Reading Test)是共40个问题,35分钟内完成,主要考查学生的阅读能力。试题要求学生通过以下几个方面推断出问题的内在含义。
(1) 根据清楚阐述的句子;(2) 推理判断其隐含的意思。具体而言,问题要求学生能使用推理和判断的能力,以确定其主要思想;找到并解释重要的细节;了解事件发展的先后顺序;进行比较;理解因果关系;决定与上下文相关词语和句子的意思;进行大意概括和分析作者的立场和观点。
The ACT Reading Test is a 40-question, 35-minute test that measures your reading comprehension. The test questions ask you to derive meaning from several tests by (1) referring to what is explicitly stated and (2) reasoning to determine implicit meanings. Specifically, questions will ask you to use referring and reasoning skills to determine main ideas; locate and interpret significant details; understand sequences of events; make comparisons; comprehend cause-effect relationships; determine the meaning of context-dependent words, phrases, and statements; draw generalizations; and analyze the author’s or narrator’s voice and method. The test comprises four prose passages that are representative of the level and kinds of text commonly encountered in first-year College curricula. Each passage is preceded by a heading that identifies what type of passage it is (for example, “Prose Fiction”), names the author, and may include a brief note that helps in understanding the passage. Each passage is accompanied by a set of multiple-choice test questions. These questions do not test the rote recall of facts from outside that passage, isolated vocabulary items, or rules of formal logic.
Three scores are reported for the ACT Reading TEST: a total test score based on all 40 questions, a sub score in Social Studies/Sciences reading skills (based on the 20 questions on the social studies and natural sciences passages), and a sub score in Arts/Literature reading skills (based on the 20 questions on the prose fiction and humanities passages).
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