来源:哈鲁教育 2014-03-05
阅读:Phoenicians sail around Africa is not true.
理由一:Simple technique,航海技术不够先进到让他们穿过赤道到达非洲南端
理由二:Egyptian rulers were not interested in exploration beyond their lands.
理由三:Made-up story,古代人很喜欢编故事,很有可能腓尼基人的航海故事也是人们编造出来而非历史事实
理由一:It is true that the technique was simple, but scientists made it to sail around Africa merely by the ships that they recreated by using the exact same techniques and materials at the Phoenician time.
理由二:埃及国王们的确普遍是不喜欢探索外面的世界,但是Necho II was very interested in water transportation. 他开发建了canals等等。 因此有可能他支持海外航海,因为他wanted to find new trade partners
理由三:在腓尼基人的航海故事中有着关于Sun's position的详细记载: After 12 o'clock,they found the sun was in the north when they were at the Southern Hemisphere,在南半球看到太阳在北部,这对于在北半球的古代人来是说是很难编出来的, difficult for them to make up.
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阅读:Phoenicians sail around Africa is not true.
理由一:Simple technique,航海技术不够先进到让他们穿过赤道到达非洲南端
理由二:Egyptian rulers were not interested in exploration beyond their lands.
理由三:Made-up story,古代人很喜欢编故事,很有可能腓尼基人的航海故事也是人们编造出来而非历史事实
理由一:It is true that the technique was simple, but scientists made it to sail around Africa merely by the ships that they recreated by using the exact same techniques and materials at the Phoenician time.
理由二:埃及国王们的确普遍是不喜欢探索外面的世界,但是Necho II was very interested in water transportation. 他开发建了canals等等。 因此有可能他支持海外航海,因为他wanted to find new trade partners
理由三:在腓尼基人的航海故事中有着关于Sun's position的详细记载: After 12 o'clock,they found the sun was in the north when they were at the Southern Hemisphere,在南半球看到太阳在北部,这对于在北半球的古代人来是说是很难编出来的, difficult for them to make up.
Do you think classmates or colleagues should work on projects in person or by e-mails. Why?
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