来源:哈鲁教育 2014-03-05
Task 1: Your friend is concerned about a presentation that he has to give to the class. What advice would you give to help your friend to prepare for the presentation?
If my friend is going to do a presentation, I would like to give him the following suggestions. First, practice for as many times as possible in front of a mirror, and with others. Ernest Hemingway once said that the first draft of anything is shit. I couldn’t agree more. Practice makes perfect. Perfection doesn’t come easy. Second, don’t put too many words on each slide. The most common mistake a presenter can make is putting too much information on the screen and read from the it. It makes a presentation boring and predictable. Use fewer words is the way to go. Pictures help too, they communicate so much better than letters.
Task 2: Some teachers prefer students to send questions about course work or assignments by email. Other teachers prefer that students ask these questions in person. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
I think it’s better to ask questions in person for the following reasons. First, one can learn so much more from a conversation or discussion. Many of brilliant thoughts were only made possible through having discussions and exchanging ideas. Both student and teacher are able to dig a little deeper into the topic if they sit down and talk for a few minutes. The second reason would be: instant feedback. Emails can take days to be answered, they aren’t really that reliable. They end up in spam folders or get buried up pretty quickly.
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