来源:哈鲁教育 2014-07-24
i would like to learn how to play the guitar if theres any chance for me. now i cant play a musical instrument, so this would be a new skill for me.
it would be a good skill to have because i could take my guitar to parties and play music for my friends. also, i could join a band and play songs with other musicians. maybe i could make money that way. finally, i might be able to meet some other friends with the same interest.
visit places which have:
historical interest
good 1 ……………………………
2 ………………………………
本题中,虽然没有明显的并列关系词,但是有很明显的并列格式。在看题的时候,我们只要注意到第1题与上行的historical interest是并列关系,中间一般会有并列关系词and, as well,also,besides之类的词汇出现;而第2题与第1题也是一样的情况。那么,在听题的时候,我们排除干扰,撇开因果,修饰之类的成分,在historical interest出现之处,认真听并列关系的内容就可以很轻易地抓到答案了。
11 riverside village was a good place to start an industry because it had wate, raw materials and fuels such as …………………and …………………
本题中出现了举例关系词such as,那么,在读题的时候,我们心中就会有数了,不但知道这边会出现像like,for example之类的举例关系词,而且还知道所填的两个单词的类别属于fuels——燃料。此时,只要我们的词汇过关,知道燃料类的无非有coal,charcoal,wood,firewood,gases,petrol 等之类的词汇,答案也就不难把握住了。
36 other places that have taken up shark meshing include
a south africa b new zealand c tahiti
本题是选择题,除了平时做填空题可以利用的关键词,考点词之外,还可以利用排除法。录音中出现这三个选项的地方很集中:‘the new zealand authorities also looked at it, but considered meshing uneconomical---- as did tahiti in the pacific. at around the same time, south africa introduced meshing to some of its most popular swimming beaches.’在听到这句录音的时候,听懂的同学就不用多作解释了,因为会知道new zealand 和tahiti这两个地方虽然有关注meshing,但是都觉得不靠谱,很不实惠,所以,不可能是题目中所需要的take up meshing。就算不能完全听明白,大家也不难发现b和c两个选项是在同一个句子中出现的,并且中间有个类比关系词as,那也就是说new zealand 和tahiti这两个地方所做的事或所采取的态度是一致的。可是我们题目的答案只能有一个,如果b可以,那么c也就可行了。说明答案不可能是b,c中的任何一个,所以只能选a 。
21. melanie says she has not started the assignment because
a she was doing work for another course
b it was a really big assignment
c she hasn’t spent time in the library.
本题特别需要注意否定关系词not 和因果关系词because. 不是考她开始作业的原因,而是不开始的原因;不是考她没做作业的结果,而是考原因解释。这里主要听否定词与原因表达句,且听到的原因应当要与事件对得上号,其他的就不用理会太多了。
tourist attractions not open on mondays: 7 …………………. and castle
本题中重点注意否定词 not open 还有之前我们提过的时间考点词monday 基本上答案就出来了。
13 how many circuses are there in the festival?
a one b two c several
本题在看题的时候,大家都知道它要的是数字,那么,在听的时候,也还是需要注意排除干扰项。好比本题,录音原文应该是:‘i’m going to tell you about two circus performances,but there are plenty of others in the programme.’可是由于重音干扰的关系,不少同学只能听到念得很重的two,而听不到two 后面的plenty of,那么,如果大家平常养成习惯听关系词(信号词)的话,只要听到two 和but两个词,答案自然就出来了,不是二,岂会是一?那只能选c了。
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