来源:哈鲁教育 2014-03-04
Questions: 40 (multiple-choice), based on 6-7 reading passages
Time: 40 minutes
What is measured? Your ability to read quickly and to understand what you read
Directions: Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions (1-3) about it. For each question, decide on the basis of the passage which one of the choices best answers the question.
We had had a consuming desire to see a pony rider, but somehow or other all that passed us streaked by in the night, and so we heard only a whiz and a hail, and the swift phantom was gone.
But now the driver exclaims, "Here he comes!" Every neck is stretched and every eye strained.
Away across the endless dead level of the prairie a black speck appears against the sky. Soon it becomes a horse and rider, rising and falling, sweeping nearer and nearer, and the flutter of hoofs comes faintly to the ear. Another instant a whoop and hurrah from our upper deck, a wave of the rider's hand, but no reply, and man and horse burst past our excited faces and go winging away like a belated fragment of a storm!
1. At the driver's call, the people became more
A. disappointed; B. eager; C. frightened; D .puzzled; E. hysterical
2. The people waiting to see the pony rider were most probably
A. at a hotel; B. on a grandstand; C. on a stagecoach; D. at a farm; E. in a theater
3. The land where the people were watching was
A. flat and treeless; B. hilly and rocky; C. desert-like; D. farmland; E. cut by deep crevasses
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