来源:哈鲁教育 2014-04-23
中国学生一般被认为缺乏想象力, 这是长期应试教育的结果。反映在申请美国大学的文书写作上,我们的学生写的东西往往出现大而空的现象,即只有一些很空泛的口号,没有细节的支撑,而且那些口号令读者看了觉得很沉闷,没有新意,也表现不出申请者的性格及思维特点。从我看过的学生写的essay素材及原稿来说,学生写的essay之所以没有新意,缺乏想象力,一是因为思维模式太僵化,不会从多个角度思考问题,缺乏进行天马行空想象的胆量,二是因为用非母语来描述一件事,而且要把事情描述得细致生动是比较难的,这也恰恰是中国学生用英语写作的弱点。这两个障碍成为中国学生写出好的essay最大的拦路虎。思维能力可以说是软条件,因为每个人的思维模式不一样,英语写作则是是硬条件,因为没有好的语言基础,再好的想法也无法表达出来。因此,要想写出好的essay,就需要软硬兼施。下面的题目是cornell university的本科申请文书题:
describe your intellectual interests, their evolution, and what makes them exciting to you. tell us how you will utilize the academic programs in the college of arts and sciences to further explore your interests, intended major, or field of study.
could i find a fish among the stars? my teachers would think im delirious if i ask them this question. my mother bought me my first encyclopedia when i was nine, called the deep blue world. it was enchanting. from what they ate to where they lived to how they looked; the encyclopedia taught me so much about fishes and ignited my passion for biology.
as i was growing up, my interest for the marine world started becoming more profound. watching animal planet and discovery taught me a lot. however, my fascination was not just limited to the marine world anymore. i moved beyond the water; started to find become interested in the land, the mountains and the plains. my mind probed father still. from the synchronized movements of schools of fish in the pacific and the study of the life cycle of cicadas to the newfound knowledge about the cell structure and cellular biology, my interest in biology evolved. before i knew it, no other subject filled me with as much ardor as biology did.
however, this wasnt the only realm that thrilled me. i had also found a place to thrive among the stars. watching the night sky from the rustic backdrop of my fathers village, i was spellbound to see the twinkling and ethereal cluster of pearl-like dots in the deep blue sky. in the stars were the stories of the milky way galaxy,the andromeda galaxy, the orion and the pegasus constellations, the big bang, the panspermia hypothesis and the drake equation; each drove my intellectual curiosity as much as the little molecules of atp, which power the cellular mechanism.
eventually, the sky met the ocean and my interests merged; which i probably owe credit to the innumerable sci-fi movies i watched during summers. could there be life on other planets? if the answer is yes then, could creatures of other planets have a completely non-carbon based chemistry? learning about sulfur based bacteria thriving near underwater thermal vents discovered recently by scientists, skyrocketed my mind to a new plane. these are a few questions that pose challenges to my mind but they cannot be solved due to my incomplete education.
cornell would be the perfect platform to realize my passions and cultivate them while answering the questions of my mind. cornells departments of molecular biology and genetics, and astronomy are two portals through which i can satiate my desire to know more. at cornell, i wish to combine the two fields to the furthest extent of my capabilities.
there is nothing better than an education that teaches you to think on your feet, inspire creativity and demand deeper understanding. with a liberal arts essence to my learning, i am sure that i will be ready for any future endeavor after the college of arts and sciences. at cornell i will get closer to finding nemo among the stars; or an insect or a bacterium, whatever it may be, and continue to dream of meeting an e.t.
文章的作者很巧妙的把生物与天文这两个方面的兴趣结合起来,开篇就给人别开生面的印象。如果我是招生官,我肯定会很想知道这个学生如何能在别的星球上发现一条鱼。而且,这个角度虽然另类,但全文却表现了学生对自然科学真诚的热爱,能够从一个广阔的视角看待科学,而且学生丰富的想象力及创造力也从字里行间得到了充分表现, 当然,这是以学生扎实的写作功底为基础的。当我们的学生抓破头皮在思考什么才是creativity, 怎样才能做到想象力丰富时,不妨看看这类文章找点启发。