港中深暑期课程试听预约 | 金融会计课程喊你来上课啦!名额有限,赶紧来报名吧!
来源:哈鲁教育 2020-06-24
Mark E. Koznarek
宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院 MBA
威斯康星大学 硕士
研究方向:从事机构股票研究分析、“华尔街分析师”超过20年;曾任职于美国最大的资产管理公司之一的 Alliance Bernstein L.P. ,同时也是两家股票研究公司的创始人。
- Quantitative methods 数量方法 (课程代码:SFI5301)
- Introduction to Economics 经济学导论 (课程代码:SFI5302)
- Accounting for Finance 金融会计 (课程代码:SFI5303)
- Introduction to Python Python课程(选修)(课程代码:SFI5311)
* 课程时间为4周集中授课+2天企业实地探访
* 课程学习期间,学员将参访知名企业,深入了解深圳及知名企业,最终以项目安排为准。
刘民 教授
杜克大学 博士
香港中文大学(深圳)高等金融研究院 副院长
香港中文大学 金融财务 MBA 项目主任
李宏毅 教授
俄亥俄州立大学 博士
教学/ 研究方向:经济与金融時间序列计量分析 、宏观经济增長和收入分配理论,以及中国经济等诸多方面;曾在清华大学、武汉大学、西安交通大学、新加坡南洋理工大学等大学讲授MBA和EMBA课程。
Mark E. Koznarek
宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院 MBA
威斯康星大学 硕士
研究方向:从事机构股票研究分析、“华尔街分析师”超过20年;曾任职于美国最大的资产管理公司之一的 Alliance Bernstein L.P. ,同时也是两家股票研究公司的创始人。
1、经济学导论 Introduction to Economics
The course covers the basic concepts of Intermediate Microeconomics with a moderate degree of sophistication. This course will be useful to students who plan to take international master degree’s programs as well as students who want to get a solid understanding of economics principles required to understand finance and economics applications. The linkage between economics models and applications is emphasized throughout. Bearing in mind that students are transitioning both from studying in a Chinese setting to that of an international setting and from undergraduate study to graduate study, I have structured the course so that students would benefit most from the learning process.
2、数量方法 Quantitative methods
The objective of this course is to address mathematical techniques required for analysing issues in finance and economics. As a pre-term course, it is intended to both refresh and consolidate basic concepts, and then go further to expand students’ knowledge of these topics, as preparation for the more rigorous core courses of the MSc Program. There are two parts of the course, fundamental methods of mathematical economics which help you to understand financial & economic models; probability and statistics which help you to conduct empirical analysis in the areas. Apart from teaching the mathematical principles, there is also an emphasis on showing the relevant applications in finance & economics for these mathematical techniques.
3、金融会计 Accounting for Finance
This course is designed to provide students contemplating post-graduate financial study with an understanding of, and competency in, the language and processes of accounting. Our emphasis is on understanding the inputs to financial statements, so that students understand the benefits and limitations of financial statements. In particular, we focus on use of the financial statements to address financial questions. The overall aims of this course include the following:
- Provide a broad introduction to accounting and it’s key principles.
- Introduce the role of accounting and how accounting captures information about the economics of an entity.
- Develop the skills to read and understand Financial Statements.
- Develop the skills to identify and record accounting transactions.
- Develop the skills to prepare basic financial statements including the Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income, and Statement of Changes in Equity.
- Enable students to understand the ‘story’ told by financial statements and the implications for the story when different choices are made.
- Develope skills in financial statement analysis using real-world company financials.
4、Python入门课程 Introduction to Python
Introduction to Python is designed to learn data science using Python. The course covers topics including, Python setup and familiarization with the environment, writing basic programs in Python, Python development support data structures and libraries including Numpy, exploratory data analysis using libraries such as Pandas, predictive model design including regression analysis, decision tree and other prediction models, visualizations using Matplotlib, and implementation project to practice the concepts learned during the course. An outline of the topics includes:
- Python Setup and Basics
- Writing simple Python Programs
- Data Structures and Libraries
- Control Flow in Python
- Exploratory Analysis in Python
- Predictive Model Design
- Data Visualization
- Course Project
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