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来源:哈鲁教育 2018-06-28


Media research project of Massachusetts Institute of Technology



麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT),创立于1861年,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市(大波士顿地区),是世界著名私立研究型大学。作为世界顶尖高校,麻省理工学院(MIT)尤其以自然及工程学享誉世界,位列2015-16年世界大学学术排名(ARWU)工程学世界第1、计算机科学第2,与斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校一同被称为工程科技界的学术领袖。截止2016年,麻省理工共走出了19位图灵奖(计算机界最高奖)得主;先后有87位诺贝尔奖得主在麻省理工学院工作或学习过。

麻省理工学院媒体实验室(The MIT Media Lab,简称“媒体实验室”)成立于1980年,是一个致力于科技,媒体,科学,艺术和设计融合的跨学科研究室,其使命为“创造一个更美好的未来”。媒体实验室直属于建筑及城市规划学院下,由MIT第十三任校长Jerome B. Wiesner及MIT教授尼古拉斯·尼葛洛庞帝共同创办。











Porgram Description:

This is a seminar and project-based style program exploring the social contexts of media technologies, how to utilize them for significant social purposes and skills necessary for implementing them. We will take a breadth-first approach, introducing multiple technologies to provide a sense of what is possible when media, design and technologies intertwine. Through hands-on projects, students should be able to 1) design media artifacts including video, technologies for social interaction, 2) acquire basic skills for conducting social science research, and 3) demonstrate design of media technologies in a more skilled manner.



1.  Using Computational Media for Empowerment

This session is about using media technologies for empowerment and social change. Students will learn important concepts such as phantasm and explore critical computational empowerment in interactive narrative, social media platform, online research projects and games.

2.  Ethnography and documentation

Ethnography is a qualitative research design aimed at exploring cultural phenomena. The resulting field study or a case report reflects the knowledge and the system of meanings in the lives of a cultural group. Students will read and discuss works that favor interviews, participant-observation fieldwork, and ethnographic writing. Students will also learn practical techniques to document their findings and present them nicely to the audience.

3.Interactive user experience design

This session is a continuation and a level up of session one. Students will learn the basic process of a design research with an emphasis on the interactive part of it. Instead of using a third-party platform to create a project, students are asked to use basic computer programming to create a project that involves interactive user experience.

4.  Quantitative research methods in media studies

This session will go through the process of conducting a research in social science as well as research ethics. Key techniques of data analysis will be addressed.

5.  Idea demonstration with rapid prototyping

Demonstrating your ideas with something tangible is also important. This session will go through the prototype mode and the reasons we prototype, and showcase how to turn ideas into a prototype more efficiently.


Lab Topics:

1. Website design with 3rd party platform

In a group of 2, create a web-based resource (website) for a community of practice centered upon a particular technological literacy. You might consider implementing your project for mobile technologies if it will best serve the needs of the community of practice you will focus on. Utilizing insights gained from course readings as the conceptual basis for this work.

2.  Video production and editing

Make use of video editing software such as Video Studio for simple video editing, cutting, merging, adding subtitles. Employing templates of Adobe After Effect software for creation of product grade picture and video demos.

3.  Basic website programing with HTML/CSS and Javascript

During this lab session, students will gain hands on experience for the creation of static webpages starting from using HTML and CSS style. For interactive user interface, Javascript function and the powerful JQuery library will be introduced as well.

4. Analytic tools for social scientists (Introduction to R)

Quantitative methods have become increasingly popular in social science research to support the ideas by providing convincing statistics. In addition, the effectiveness of data visualization also plays an important role. In this session, we will go through the basics of the powerful R language for data processing and visualization.

5.  Hands on lab session with Arduino microcontroller

The capability of being able to apply certain level of engineering skills to the creation of physical demonstrations in addition to screen demos can be helpful. In this session, we give an introduction of the Arduino microcontroller for rapid prototyping.






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