来源:哈鲁教育 2014-03-28
如果考生没有掌握足够的词汇,基本上是没有可能拿到高分的。而托福词汇备考中,又分基础词汇及专业/学术词汇等,这几类词汇的要求各不相同,比较生僻的专业 及学术词汇要求认得出听得懂,而基础词汇,不但要求能拼写,更要求会运用。托福重点词汇100个,快来看看你认识多少吧!
abyss hole so deep as to appear bottomless
acquiesce agree, accept without protest
affable polite and friendly, easy to talk to
affliction distress, suffering
affluent wealthy, abundant
agitate move, shake, stir up
ambiguousshavingsmore then one meaning
annex take possession of
aqueous of or like water
arduous demanding great effort, strenuous
aroma quality or surrounding atmosphere considered typical
atone make repayment
avarice greed
bellicose inclined to fighting
calisthenics exercises to develop strong bodies
captor person who takes smb captive
concoct invent, prepare by mixing together
dangle hand or swing loosely
deprive take away from, prevent from using
diligent hard-working
disrobe undress
docile easily trained or controlled
doleful dismal, mourful
drought a long period of dry weather
dubious feeling doubt
dumbfound astonish
efface rub or wipe out, obliterate
elucidate to make understandable
enchant charm, delight
endeavor to make an effort, to try very hard
endorse approve, support a claim or statement
enthral take the whole attention, enslave
exploit to use for selfish advantage or profit
extensive far-reaching
extol to praise highly
flimsy lacking solidarity, strength
fraud a fault, a deception
gaudy too bright and showy
ghastly death-like, pale and ill
grumble to complain
harass worry, trouble
heretic very busy; active
impediment smth that hinders (esp in speech)
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