来源:哈鲁教育 2014-10-17
1. sociology 社会学 [例] sociology is the study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society.
2. hierarchy 层次 等级体系 [例] the government is a hierarchy.
3. sociologist 社会学家
4. marriage 结婚 婚姻 [例] my sisters marriage took place at ten oclock today.
5. phenomenon 现象
6. urban 城市的 市内的
7. rural 乡下的 田园的 [例] crops are grown in rural areas.
8. urbanization 城市化 [例] urbanization has taken place very rapidly in developing countries.
9. migration 移民 [例] scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances in the river.
10. immigration 移居入境
11. emigration 移民出境 侨居
12. mobility 流动 [例] theres been restructuring of industry and downward mobility for americans as a whole.
13. community 社区 社会 公社 [例] government, business and community are the three pillars of our society.
14. metropolitan 首都的 主要都市的 大城市的
15. convention 传统 [例] convention dictates that a leader should resign in such a situation.
16. patriarchic 家长的 族长的 [例] our boss is too patriarchic.
17. institutionalize 使制度化或习俗化 [例] to institutionalize our scholarship discipline is imperative for all international students.
18. taboo 禁忌 禁止 [例] there is a taboo on smoking in this office.
19. ethics 伦理学
20. marital 婚姻的
21. polygamous 一夫多妻的 一妻多夫的
22. tribe 部落 部族
23. clan 部落 氏族 宗族 党派
24. connubial 婚姻的 夫妻的 配偶的
25. matrimony 婚姻
26. anathema 令人厌恶的事 受诅咒的事 [例] those terrible ideas are anathemas to me.
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